MRBC releases new huckleberry flavored hard seltzer
Undammed seltzer line promotes the rewilding of Klamath River
The Yurok Tribe's decades-long fight to undam the Klamath gets a boost from their Huckleberry Seltzer, the latest hopped-hard seltzer in the Undammed line created by the tribe's Mad River Brewing label.

The Mad River Brewing Company’s Huckleberry Seltzer is a brilliantly flavored, hand-crafted beverage made with sustainably sourced, earth-grown ingredients. The effervescent libation boasts an explosion of sweetness coupled with a tongue-tingling touch of tart, the perfect combination to satisfy the palate.
This new addition to the Undammed Hopped Hard Seltzer line is as bold in flavor as it is in show. The Huckleberry label features a similar scene as the Undammed Cucumber—one dam on the Klamath River, “Iron Gate” as it is known, is depicted with waters unleashed so that salmon can once again reach hundreds of miles of spawning habitat—an image representative of the decades-long fight for environmental restoration and justice. This new gluten-free, sugar-free product features an even deeper sense of place on its label with a bountiful frame of ripe huckleberry bushes, indigenous to Northern California.
“The Klamath has been our home since time immemorial; fighting for the river, loving, and respecting it is part of who we are,” expressed Linda Cooley, CEO of Mad River Brewing Company, “One of the most important rivers in the lower 48 states, the Klamath supports salmon, sturgeon, and steelhead, as well as many more species we depend on as a community and world citizen. We are all stewards of this land, and the awareness to create more balance and caution is necessary.” This beverage is doing just that.
In 2019 the Yurok Tribe acquired Mad River Brewing Company and immediately plotted a course to bring its highly regarded products into new markets. The company’s already successful effort to expand the well-established brand is now rising to the occasion with this new product, which doubles as a platform to raise awareness about ongoing restoration efforts and overall river health.
“There is a fundamental shift in our purchasing habits. Mad River Brewing Company is committed to helping our river and inviting others to do so with this versatile new beverage. Seltzer fans, mixologists, cider drinkers, and beer lovers all rave about Undammed Huckleberry. Now they can realize a personal impact to the rewilding of the Klamath with every purchase,” said Linda Cooley, MRBC CEO, “Huckleberries have been part of the Yurok diet forever, so this flavor made the most sense for our hand-crafted hard seltzer. While mainstream flavors taste unnatural leaving a bitter taste in your mouth, the balance of the hops in our product is a testament to our award-winning brewing team, and it cannot be mass-produced.”
MRBC’s Undammed Huckleberry seltzer, now available in 16oz 4-packs, boasts a bright-berry hue that is inviting, appealing, and stands out on the shelf. Seltzer drinkers constantly on the hunt for the next best flavor will find their new favorite in this juicy, punch-packing summer contender that transitions well into the holiday flavors of fall and winter. Generic berry-flavored seltzers on the market pale in comparison to the tantalizing fuchsia-hue and delicious aroma of this huckleberry seltzer.
A consummate innovator with 30+ years in the beer business, Mad River Brewing is committed to producing the best-quality beverages on the planet and continues to employ the most holistic brewing methods to craft products that are in a league of their own.
“Since being established 32 years ago, we have strived to create the best beer out in the market with the consistency that keeps our customers coming back. Now we have put that experience and knowledge into our new line of Undammed Hard Seltzers, and we are pleased with the way our new Huckleberry Hard Seltzer creation turned out. The slight tanginess from organic hibiscus flowers infused into this alcoholic nectar truly compliments the traditional Northern California huckleberry flavor. It’s a must-try,” shared Head Brewer, David Cook.
Making space for the small brewery in the big industry business of seltzer, Mad River Brewing Company is proud to consistently produce award-winning beverages, disrupting the market and releasing out-of-the-box flavors, techniques, and craft for decades. The new Undammed Huckleberry Hopped Hard Seltzer has all the makings of an irresistible best-seller.
For more information, please contact Linda Cooley, CEO Mad River Brewing Company at: (707)457-7000