Employee of the Year Award!

Nominations are now needed for 2021

June 24, 2021  ·  Katie Bohocky

Aid TCSA in recognizing member employees for their hard work and dedication with 2021's Employee of the Year Award. Nominations are now open.

TCSA Employee of the Year Graphic

The TCSA Employee of the Year Award recognizes 3 employees annually at our Annual September membership meeting for their exceptional performance, productivity, customer service, and other initiatives. 

All TCSA members are eligible to make nominations, which will be evaluated by a committee. Nominees must be full-time or part-time employees of a TCSA member. This individual displays leadership within their organization, commitment to a good job, loyalty to their customers and employer, and superior customer service. This individual also contributes to the community outside their place of employment. 

Three winners will be chosen. Each winner will receive $500, a recognition plaque, and a TCSA blanket. Nominations are due by June 30th.

Follow these steps to make your nomination: